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13 Free Government Play Centers

Parent-Child Play Centers in Taipei - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

With the goal of encouraging play and bonding between parents and children, Taipei City government established a parent-child play center in every Taipei district. All the centers are free, and designed to be warm and friendly environments. The centers are for children 0-6 and their care takers, and include special under 2 only areas with age appropriate toys. All the centers share certain characteristics, such as an emphasis on learning toys that parents and children can play with together, a focus on creating a clean environment, and services for parents like lockers and stroller parking. However, each center also has a very distinct look and feel, and contain different toys.

For all play centers, there is a morning play session from 9 AM to 12 PM, and an after play session from 2 PM to 5 PM Tues - Fri. The weekend play sessions are 9:30 AM to 11 AM, 1 PM to 2:30 PM, and 3:30 PM to 5 PM. (CLOSED MONDAYS!)

List of Taipei Free Govenment Play Centers

1. 131 Fun Center

Address: No. 131, Sanyuan St, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 131 FUN心玩親子館

地址: 100台灣台北市中正區三元街131號

131 Fun Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

2. Beitou Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 22, Guangming Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 北投親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市北投區光明路22號

Beitou Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

3. Da'an Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 10, Lane 246, Yanji St, Da’an District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 大安親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市大安區延吉街246巷10號1-3樓

Daan Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

4. Datong Indoor Play Center

Address: 2-16 Liangzhou Street Datong District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 大同親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市大同區涼州街2-16號

Datong Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

5. Nangang Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 768-1, Section 4, Bade Rd, Nangang District, Taipei City,115

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 南港親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市南港區八德路四段768-1號1.2樓

Nangang - Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

6. Neihu Indoor Play Center

Address: No.659, Section 1, Neihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei, 2nd Floor

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 內湖親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市內湖區內湖路一段659號2樓

Neihu Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

7. Shilin Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 130, Jihe Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 士林親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市士林區基河路130號1樓

Shilin Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

8. Songshan Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 163-1, Section 5, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, First Floor

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 松山親子館

地址: 105台灣台北市松山區民生東路五段163-1號

Songshan Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

9. Wanhua Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 199 Shuiyuan Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei City, 2nd Floor

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 萬華親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市萬華區水源路199號2樓

Wanhua Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

10. Wenshan Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 177, Section 1, Muzha Rd, 116, Taipei City, 2nd Floor

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 文山親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市文山區木柵路一段177號2樓

Wenshan Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

11. XinYi Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 50, Songqin St, Xinyi District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 信義親子館

地址: 110台灣台北市信義區松勤街50號

XinYi Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

12. Zhongshan Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 1, Yumen St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 中山親子館

地址: 地址/台北市中山區玉門街一號

Zhongshan Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids

13. Zhongzheng Indoor Play Center

Address: No. 17, Section 1, Ren'ai Road, Zhongzheng District,Taipei City, 3rd Floor

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 中正親子館

地址: 地址/臺北市仁愛路1段17號3樓

Zhongzheng Parent-Child Play Center - A Toddler in Taipei - Travel in Taiwan with Kids





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