A Free Play Center in Shilin District
With the goal of encouraging play and bonding between parents and children, Taipei City government established a parent-child play center in every Taipei district. All the centers are free, and designed to be warm and friendly environments. The centers are for children 0-6 and their care takers, and include special under 2 only areas with age appropriate toys.
The Shilin center includes push cars and a track, climbing mats and toys for babies, plus quite a few life-lesson activities such as an area that lets kids feed and bathe a doll, hang clothes on a clothes line, and pick vegetables.
There is a morning play session from 9 AM to 12 PM, and an after play session from 2 PM to 5 PM. The weekend play sessions are 9:30 AM to 11 AM, 1 PM to 2:30 PM, and 3:30 PM to 5 PM.
Address: No. 130, Jihe Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City
Hours: 9:30 AM - 5 PM, Tues - Sun (Closed Mondays)
Phone: 02 2883 0262
Find out more:
Name and Address in Chinese:
名稱: 士林親子館
地址: 地址/臺北市士林區基河路130號1樓
Things to do with kids:
Drive push cars around an indoor track.
Color and draw in the craft area, and maybe play with the large magnet and chalk boards nearby.
Push trucks around a Poli-themed play mat.
Pick vegetables in the play vegetable garden.
Use your imagination while working at a play bakery and flower shop.
Learn to take care of a baby doll, including feeding, bathing, and putting it in bed.
Balance on some balance beams.
Look at some picture books (Chinese only) on a beanbag.
Play with various learning toys like puzzles, blocks, and educational games, at different stations setup throughout the center.
For those under 2, crawl on mats and blocks, plus play with age appropriate sensory toys.