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Cary's Restaurant

Galilei Family Brunch - A Toddler in Taipei - Explore Taiwan with Kids

American Style Restaurant with Outside Playset

Located near the Chinese Culture University on Yangmingshan are some buildings formerly used as American military housing units. These units have recently been converted into restaurants. One of these restaurants is Cary’s restaurant, which is a family-friendly restaurant serving mostly Western food. The building has a white picket fence, classic car in the driveway, and a big yard with wooden playset. The decor is American, and includes a Harley-Davidson motorbike inside.

Address: No. 2, Alley 2, Lane 61, Kaixuan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City

Hours: 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM Daily, but closed Thursdays

Phone: 02 2862 3232

Find out more:

Name and Address in Chinese:

名稱: 凱莉餐廳

地址: 台北市士林區凱旋路61巷2弄2號

Things to do with kids:

  • Play on the wooden playset outside.

  • Run around the yard.

  • Checkout the motorcycle and drum set, as well as the old car parked outside.

  • Eat American style food.




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