A Free Community Play Center in Shilin District
In addition to the 13 free government run parent-child play centers in Taipei City, Taipei government partnered with local community partners to establish an additional 10 child-friendly community play areas. These play areas are smaller than the main district play centers, however they are still a good and free play option and they regularly hold free parent-child activities.
This center is best for babies and younger children. The space is small, but with teaching toys and an open space where activities are regularly setup. There are storage bins with toys, a small slide, play kitchens, picture books, and various other learning and development toys.
Address: No. 1, Lane 53, Yusheng St, Shilin District, Taipei (1st Floor)
Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM, Tues - Sat (Closed Sundays and Mondays)
Phone: 02 2836 0200
Find out more:
Name and Address in Chinese:
名稱: 小小貓頭鷹玩樂屋
地址: 台北市士林區雨聲街53巷1號1樓
Things to do with Kids:
Move magnets around a huge magnetic white board.
Create something using building blocks.
Drive a little push car around the room.
Make some pretend food at the play kitchen area.
Look at picture books.
Babies can play with a variety of baby toys, including a small slide.
Additional Information:
The play center is free, and for kids 0-6 years old.
The play center is closed from noon to 2p daily for cleaning.